Thursday, September 17, 2009

I'm surprised at your learnin'

The Alberta Altruist has uncovered a video of Jack Mintz going over the numbers related to his fiscal management report with "in the red Ed" and Finance Minister Iris Evans.

My advice to Professor Mintz in any future encounter: don't let on that you're an urban Calgarian. Show your common touch with a tale about how you accessorized your Lamont County pick-up with a gun rack and a moosehead on the grill. Don't used the phrase "pimped out my ride" or Iris' moral fibers might unravel completely.
The huge failure of Canadians is not to educate the children properly, and then why should we be surprised when they have mental illnesses...
- Iris Evans, casting pearls of wisdom before Toronto swine


Derrick Jacobson said...

Thanks for the plug

Anonymous said...

It would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad, fellas.

Another friend laid off today in the oilfield service industry....