Monday, October 5, 2009

Edmonton! meet Danielle Smith Thursday evening

Danielle has generated political momentum in Alberta like nobody since Preston Manning. If one took the number of Alberta Liberal party members and increased it by 50%, it would still be less than the number added to the Wildrose Alliance party membership rolls just this summer.

Meet the candidate for a speech and moderated Q and A at the Four Points Sheraton (7230 Argyll Road) at 7:30 pm this Thursday, October 8th.

Everyone welcome, both members and not-yet-members.


Richard Guyon said...

Will try to make it down there tomorrow, since of course it's after midnight.

Anonymous said... nobody since Preston Manning? Are you sure about that?

How about Ralph Klein? Or Ted Morton? Or Stephen Harper?

No offense to the WAP or their candidates, but even Mark Norris and Dave Hancock likely signed up more members than Smith or Dyrholm. Certainly, the vote they DELIVERED was more than the WAP reported had signed up.

The WAP has momentum, but it's a long way from 1 to 70.

Anonymous said...

Ted Morton isn't the Conservative god that people make him out to be.

He is stale, un-personable and a cabinet minister in the worst cabinet Alberta ever had since the Sifton administration.

Morton won't expand anything beyond the traditional hard right Conservative base that he claims to appeal too, that's why he lost the PC leadership race.

That photo out there of him holding the double barrel shot gun makes him look like Jed Clampett. If he is the face of right wing conservatism in Alberta then we all must be hill billies.

Hey Ted, put Jethro and Granny into the truck and head up to Edmonton i heard they have a cement pond up there. You can eat your vittles at the Legislature cafeteria.

He is in fact Dyrholm without the PGIB and has done more to damage the right wing in this province because some people keep clinging to the false hope that he is a messiah.

Show me one thing he has done since 2004 to help Conservatism in this province.

Campaigned against Paul Hinman? Lot's of damaging unconservative bills nobody likes? Given up on Senate reform? Being opportunistic in a left wing government?

I think his name should actually be Red Morton the pretender.